The Reckoning of the FBI Has Begun

The Reckoning of the FBI Has Begun (

by Scrooblemeyer to news (+2|-0)

If FBI is corrupt... (news)

submitted  ago by Ozzsanity to news (+24|-3)

FINALLY SOMETHING! America First Medias Attorney Ty Clevenger files Federal Lawsuit against FBI and DOJ seeking records on Seth Rich case

FINALLY SOMETHING! America First Medias Attorney Ty Clevenger files Federal Lawsuit against FBI and DOJ seeking records on Seth Rich case (

submitted  ago by shadow332 to news (+89|-2)

Peter Strzok Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge In Michael Flynn Case

Peter Strzok Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge In Michael Flynn Case (

submitted  ago by Arrvee to news (+40|-0)

PAYBACK: Trump Celebrates McCabe Firing in Vicious Take Down of Former FBI Boss; "A Great Day for Democracy" ~ Now fire & prosecute all the other FBI and CIA co-conspirators.

PAYBACK: Trump Celebrates McCabe Firing in Vicious Take Down of Former FBI Boss; "A Great Day for Democracy" ~ Now fire & prosecute all the other FBI and CIA co-conspirators. (

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to news (+24|-0)

TOM FITTON: Firing Of 'Documented Liar' Andrew McCabe Is Just The Beginning (VIDEO)

TOM FITTON: Firing Of 'Documented Liar' Andrew McCabe Is Just The Beginning (VIDEO) (

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to news (+2|-0)

Ex-Asst. FBI Director: High-Ranking Govt Officials Plotted To Protect Hillary Clinton From Indictment. "They had a backup plan to basically frame Donald Trump and thats whats been going"

submitted  ago by GizaDog to news (+14|-1)

House Judiciary Chair Goodlatte: DOJ Redacted Strzok-Page Text Messages on Meeting with Friendly FISA Court Judge at Cocktail Party (VIDEO) ~ More Deep State Fuckery

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to news (+1|-0)

McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel

McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel (

submitted  ago by Arrvee to news (+4|-2)

UNHINGED: Samantha Power Tweets Threatening Message to President Trump

UNHINGED: Samantha Power Tweets Threatening Message to President Trump(

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to news (+4|-0)

Andrew McCabe Altered Peter Strzoks 302 Notes on General Flynn interview Then Destroyed Evidence

Andrew McCabe Altered Peter Strzoks 302 Notes on General Flynn interview Then Destroyed Evidence (

submitted  ago by GizaDog to news (+31|-2)